full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Thomas Goetz: It's time to redesign medical data

Unscramble the Blue Letters

This is information that is iidrbcelny purwefol. It's an incredibly powerful catalyst to change. But we're not using it. It's just sitting there. It's being lost. So I want to just oeffr four questions that every patient should ask, because I don't actually expect people to start developing these lab test reports. But you can create your own feedback loop. Anybody can create their feedback loop by asking these simple questions: Can I have my results? And the only acceptable awsner is — (Audience: Yes.) — yes. What does this mean? Help me understand what the data is. What are my options? What choices are now on the table? And then, what's next? How do I integrate this imontofiarn into the legnor course of my life?

Open Cloze

This is information that is __________ ________. It's an incredibly powerful catalyst to change. But we're not using it. It's just sitting there. It's being lost. So I want to just _____ four questions that every patient should ask, because I don't actually expect people to start developing these lab test reports. But you can create your own feedback loop. Anybody can create their feedback loop by asking these simple questions: Can I have my results? And the only acceptable ______ is — (Audience: Yes.) — yes. What does this mean? Help me understand what the data is. What are my options? What choices are now on the table? And then, what's next? How do I integrate this ___________ into the ______ course of my life?


  1. incredibly
  2. powerful
  3. information
  4. offer
  5. longer
  6. answer

Original Text

This is information that is incredibly powerful. It's an incredibly powerful catalyst to change. But we're not using it. It's just sitting there. It's being lost. So I want to just offer four questions that every patient should ask, because I don't actually expect people to start developing these lab test reports. But you can create your own feedback loop. Anybody can create their feedback loop by asking these simple questions: Can I have my results? And the only acceptable answer is — (Audience: Yes.) — yes. What does this mean? Help me understand what the data is. What are my options? What choices are now on the table? And then, what's next? How do I integrate this information into the longer course of my life?

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
behavior change 5
feedback loop 5
health information 4
people understand 3
general blood 3
blood work 3
public health 2
health care 2
amazing notion 2
personalized information 2
speed limit 2
pharmaceutical ad 2
god forbid 2
lab test 2
test results 2
crp test 2
psa test 2
wired magazine 2
million dollars 2
incredibly powerful 2
ordinary people 2

ngrams of length 3

collocation frequency
general blood work 3

Important Words

  1. acceptable
  2. answer
  3. catalyst
  4. change
  5. choices
  6. create
  7. data
  8. developing
  9. expect
  10. feedback
  11. incredibly
  12. information
  13. integrate
  14. lab
  15. life
  16. longer
  17. loop
  18. lost
  19. offer
  20. options
  21. patient
  22. people
  23. powerful
  24. questions
  25. reports
  26. results
  27. simple
  28. sitting
  29. start
  30. table
  31. test
  32. understand